DRAFT Leeton Shire Pedestrian Access and Mobility (PAMP) Plan

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At it’s January Ordinary Council Meeting Leeton Shire Council endorsed its DRAFT Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) to go on public exhibition from Friday January 25th until Friday 22nd February 2019.

Council has updated the draft PAMP plan to ensure it continues to establish a pedestrian network that meets the needs of the local community.

We are aiming to provide a network of pedestrian facilities that encourage people to walk. This will foster healthy living and decrease traffic and parking pressures. But people won’t use these facilities if they are not safe or don’t link the places they want to visit so we need to hear the community’s views before the draft Plan is adopted.

There will also be two “Drop In Sessions” for residents to speak to staff face-to-face about the draft PAMP Plan to be held on Wednesday 13th February from 10am to 12noon and 5pm to 7pm at the Leeton Shire Library.

The DRAFT Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan will be on public exhibition until Friday 22nd of February with submissions from the general public accepted up until 5pm on Friday 8th March.

To download a copy of the DRAFT PAMP Plan please click here

At it’s January Ordinary Council Meeting Leeton Shire Council endorsed its DRAFT Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) to go on public exhibition from Friday January 25th until Friday 22nd February 2019.

Council has updated the draft PAMP plan to ensure it continues to establish a pedestrian network that meets the needs of the local community.

We are aiming to provide a network of pedestrian facilities that encourage people to walk. This will foster healthy living and decrease traffic and parking pressures. But people won’t use these facilities if they are not safe or don’t link the places they want to visit so we need to hear the community’s views before the draft Plan is adopted.

There will also be two “Drop In Sessions” for residents to speak to staff face-to-face about the draft PAMP Plan to be held on Wednesday 13th February from 10am to 12noon and 5pm to 7pm at the Leeton Shire Library.

The DRAFT Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan will be on public exhibition until Friday 22nd of February with submissions from the general public accepted up until 5pm on Friday 8th March.

To download a copy of the DRAFT PAMP Plan please click here

Guest Book

What are your thoughts re information contained in the DRAFT Leeton Shire PAMP Plan?

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Thanks for the opportunity to comment on Council’s policies regarding cycling in the Shire at the January meeting.

As mentioned, the focus outlined in the DPOP to promote “active leisure” fails to recognise cycling has been primarily a form of transport for over 200 years.

The policy to keep bicycles off roads misses an opportunity to promote an activity that improves health and results in Council seeking additional funding to duplicate existing infrastructure.

Leeton Shire is a great location for cyclists with many wide roads and a mostly flat landscape, as well as good weather.

It would be good to see Council’s policies recognise the value of cycling and work to create a safer environment for the community to pursue this activity.

An early draft of the 2012 Bicycle Plan contained a proposal for a bike lane on Oak Street.

Bike lanes would be cheaper to paint on roads than building bike paths and provide a faster surface for traveling on.

It would also contribute to improving safety through raising awareness of cyclists.

(Incidentally, at Council’s January meeting I asked why that 2012 document is still referred to as a draft in the draft PAMP and my question was misunderstood. My memory is that it went before Council.)

The draft PAMP presented clearly is limited in scope in discussing cycling due to Council’s DPOP.

Furthermore, it is disappointing the PAMP does not address the need to make the Childcare Centre and Preschool in Valencia St accessible to pedestrians.

This seems an oversight and I would welcome an explanation why they are not considered as important as other educational facilities.

It would also be good if Council could explain why my comment on the footpath at the junction of Railway St and Brady Way is also absent.

In addition to the PAMP questionnaire I have raised the issue of that missing footpath crossing the rail tracks outside the Rice Coop in emails on 7 June 2017, 24 February 2015, 10 September 2014 and 14 September 2012.

I am still awaiting an answer.

I would like to provide further comment on the draft PAMP, however much of the document is difficult to read.

Are you able to provide a higher resolution PDF?

It does seem a fruitless exercise, given Council’s acknowledgment there is limited funding to meet the proposals in the draft PAMP.

As a result it would be good to see Council adopt a more sensible approach that works within the limited means available to ensure a safe environment within the Shire.

Jason about 6 years ago
Page last updated: 29 Jan 2019, 11:21 AM