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Consultation has concluded
At it's June Ordinary Council Meeting Leeton Shire Council endorsed the DRAFT Leeton Shire Council Onsite Sewage Management System Strategy to be placed on public exhibition for 28 days from Friday 29th June until Thursday 26th July.
The Strategy employs a risk based approach to on-site sewage management by identifying the requirements of the legislation relative to location and performance history of each system. This will ensure that all owners of OSSMs have an approval to operate and that the OSSM systems are managed in a safe and effective manner.
Preliminary work in the Leeton Shire indicates that there could be up to 2000 OSSM systems in total across the Shire that will need to be registered.
The suggested inspection timeframes for inspecting high risk OSSMs is annually, medium risk ones 3 to 5 years and low risk ones on an adhoc basis or on receipt of a complaint. Most systems in Leeton Shire are considered low risk.
Should there be no submissions received by Council at the completion of the public exhibition period on Thursday 26th July, the Leeton Shire Council Onsite Sewage Management System Strategy will be considered adopted.
To download a copy of the DRAFT OSSM Strategy please CLICK HERE
At it's June Ordinary Council Meeting Leeton Shire Council endorsed the DRAFT Leeton Shire Council Onsite Sewage Management System Strategy to be placed on public exhibition for 28 days from Friday 29th June until Thursday 26th July.
The Strategy employs a risk based approach to on-site sewage management by identifying the requirements of the legislation relative to location and performance history of each system. This will ensure that all owners of OSSMs have an approval to operate and that the OSSM systems are managed in a safe and effective manner.
Preliminary work in the Leeton Shire indicates that there could be up to 2000 OSSM systems in total across the Shire that will need to be registered.
The suggested inspection timeframes for inspecting high risk OSSMs is annually, medium risk ones 3 to 5 years and low risk ones on an adhoc basis or on receipt of a complaint. Most systems in Leeton Shire are considered low risk.
Should there be no submissions received by Council at the completion of the public exhibition period on Thursday 26th July, the Leeton Shire Council Onsite Sewage Management System Strategy will be considered adopted.
To download a copy of the DRAFT OSSM Strategy please CLICK HERE
Do you have any comments regarding the DRAFT Onsite Sewage Management System strategy?
Consultation has concluded
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The draft does not state the fee that would be changed does that mean that the fees can be upped on the regular bases. Second point is that the Shire aims to achieve 40 to 60 inspections per year out of +-2000 septic systems so that means that 2000 rate payers will be changed the fee for a service that was NOT going to be carried out!! Sounds just like my landright fees ( Shire rates), I enquired about the services that are ( should be) included in the fees as I don't have town water, town sewage, rubbish removal.... So I just wanted to know what have I been changed for, I was told that all the money goes in the "bucket" and is thaken out of there to accomplish different tasks around Leeton. So why not take the money out of the "backet" instead of squeezing blood out of the stone. BDW I STILL don't have the answer to my question as to what services does Shire supposed to provide to me as a rates payer???
over 6 years ago
This would be relevant to many septic households. After spending 15K plus to put in a reliable safe system which is maintained by a technician related to the product installed several times a year, why do we now have to pay a further fee. Should a certificate of service and maintenance be ample information to fill in the register. The fees are not shown on the draft and was wondering to what extent we will be charged. Thanks
DRAFT Onsite Sewage Management System Strategy has finished this stage
This consultation is OPEN for contributions until 5pm on Thursday 26th July.
Under Review
DRAFT Onsite Sewage Management System Strategy is currently at this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The Project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for DRAFT Onsite Sewage Management System Strategy
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
The draft does not state the fee that would be changed does that mean that the fees can be upped on the regular bases. Second point is that the Shire aims to achieve 40 to 60 inspections per year out of +-2000 septic systems so that means that 2000 rate payers will be changed the fee for a service that was NOT going to be carried out!! Sounds just like my landright fees ( Shire rates), I enquired about the services that are ( should be) included in the fees as I don't have town water, town sewage, rubbish removal.... So I just wanted to know what have I been changed for, I was told that all the money goes in the "bucket" and is thaken out of there to accomplish different tasks around Leeton. So why not take the money out of the "backet" instead of squeezing blood out of the stone. BDW I STILL don't have the answer to my question as to what services does Shire supposed to provide to me as a rates payer???
This would be relevant to many septic households. After spending 15K plus to put in a reliable safe system which is maintained by a technician related to the product installed several times a year, why do we now have to pay a further fee. Should a certificate of service and maintenance be ample information to fill in the register. The fees are not shown on the draft and was wondering to what extent we will be charged. Thanks