How can I participate in online consultations?

    If this is your first time participating in Have Your Say Leeton then simply click on the Register link at the top right hand of the page. When prompted, create a Username and Password of your choice and provide a valid email address, your age, gender and the location in which you live. Note: the information you provide is private and not shared. If you have previously participated, simply Sign In.

    Why should I Register?

    You only need to sign up once to participate in all online consultations. By signing up you will receive advice and invitation to participant in  new consultations and updates on how your contributions are helping shape the future of Leeton Shire. You can unsubscribe from email updates at any time.

    What happens to my feedback?

    All comments, ideas and suggestions are collated and used to inform Council decision making processes for the development of strategies, programs and activities. Online feedback is used in conjunction with other face-to-face consultation activities such as workshops, meetings, open days or surveys.

    Is my privacy protected?

    Yes. Your privacy is absolutely protected. Leeton Shire Council will only use your email address to invite you to participate in new projects and update you on existing projects. The information your provide such as your age, gender and suburb for example is only used to enable Council to have a better understanding of how programs and policies impact across the different demographics within our local government area. The information you provide is protected and will only be used for the purpose stated in relation to the consultation project. More information is available in our Privacy Policy.

    Why is Council engaging online?

    Traditional community consultation usually involves attending 'town hall' meetings or providing written submissions to Council, and this can often be time consuming and inconvenient, and sometimes intimidating. However, Have Your Say Leeton gives you the opportunity to have your say on issues that are important to you, at a time and place of your choice.

    • * It is a quick, safe and convenient way to have your say on a range of issues and topics.
    • * It is a great way to keep up to date and contribute your views on issues affecting your community.
    • * You can see what other community members think about an issue or topic.
    • * You don't have to attend community meetings at a set place and time, you can contribute at a time and place that suits you.
    • * It allows for a range of different people, with different views to discuss matters that impact on their community.

    Have Your Say Leeton will be used to compliment but not replace traditional face to face consultation activities including workshops, displays, forums and mail outs.