What is a DCP?

    DCP is an acronym for Development Control Plan. A Development Control Plan is a non-statutory planning policy used by Councils in NSW to assist with the assessment of Development Applications lodged with Council.

    What is the difference between an LEP and a DCP?

    Local environmental plans (LEPs) and development control plans (DCPs) are prepared by Councils for the purpose of regulating development and land-use within a particular local government area. 

    LEPs are legally binding planning instruments that are made under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, having the benefit of review by Parliamentary Counsel and published on the NSW Legislation website as legislation. 

    DCPs on the other hand, are non-statutory planning instruments that provide guidance on: 

    1. giving effect to the aims of any environmental planning instrument that applies to the development, 
    2. facilitating development that is permissible under any such instrument, and 
    3. achieving the objectives of land zones under any such instrument

    How are DCPs made?

    DCPs are made by Council having regard to a set process outlined under the NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, including public exhibition of the draft DCP and consideration of submissions prior to adoption of the DCP by Council.

    Can I review DCPs prepared by other Councils?

    Each council is required to publish their Development Control Plan(s) on the NSW Planning Portal. Click on https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/DCP to view the many DCP’s applying in local government areas around the State.