Leeton Swimming Pool Renovation

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The Leeton Swimming Pool which was built in the early 1960’s is need of major renovation works.

As part of the planning and design phase Council is seeking feedback and ideas on what the community would like to see included in the project.

Council recently engaged a consultant to provide a report on the current facility and the report recommends many actions be undertaken in the renovation works.

Many of the recommendations are routine for any pool renovation project such as replacing the filtration system, upgrading the plant room, retiling the pools, installing sealed wet deck gutters, upgrading the lighting and including a disability access ramp and stairs into the 50m pool.

As part of the upgrade Council will be looking at ways of offsetting the current annual electricity cost of $60,000. Solar power generation will be an integral part of reducing the power costs associated with operating the facility. Other measures will include the latest energy efficient pumping and filtration systems.

Many other recommendations can be considered as options and this is where we would love to hear from you.

Simply click on button below to start our survey!

Thank you for being an active and engaged citizen of Leeton Shire.

The Leeton Swimming Pool which was built in the early 1960’s is need of major renovation works.

As part of the planning and design phase Council is seeking feedback and ideas on what the community would like to see included in the project.

Council recently engaged a consultant to provide a report on the current facility and the report recommends many actions be undertaken in the renovation works.

Many of the recommendations are routine for any pool renovation project such as replacing the filtration system, upgrading the plant room, retiling the pools, installing sealed wet deck gutters, upgrading the lighting and including a disability access ramp and stairs into the 50m pool.

As part of the upgrade Council will be looking at ways of offsetting the current annual electricity cost of $60,000. Solar power generation will be an integral part of reducing the power costs associated with operating the facility. Other measures will include the latest energy efficient pumping and filtration systems.

Many other recommendations can be considered as options and this is where we would love to hear from you.

Simply click on button below to start our survey!

Thank you for being an active and engaged citizen of Leeton Shire.

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Page last updated: 09 Mar 2017, 10:59 AM